Dream, Dare, Do

Dream, Dare, Do

Dream, Dare, Do

Dream, Dare, Do

Dream, Dare, Do

What is I Wish?

I WISH is a community committed to showcasing the power of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths to teenage girls. We run outreach activities, mentorship programmes, TechForGood laptop donations, twinning programmes, entrepreneurship programmes, further education programmes and showcase events reaching a global audience.

Inspiring & motivating young female students

STEM can change our world - help us harness the power of thousands of girls to shape a better world.

Solving the world’s problems through STEM

We have so many world problems to solve – food shortage, climate change, healthcare problems, and infectious diseases. These will be solved through STEM.

Showcasing the power of STEM through our outreach activities

Showcase events, Campus weeks, Mentorship programmes, TechForGood programme, Internships, Externships, Alumnae Circle, Twinning programmes and so much more.

Register Your Interest

I Wish 2025 February 6th

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I Wish Video

I Wish 2024



57% of girls lack confidence in their ability to pursue a STEM career


66% of girls see lack of information about STEM careers as a barrier to pursuing a career in STEM


84% of girls wanted to know more about STEM


93% reject the stereotype that STEM careers are more suited to boys than girls


Dell Technologies have strongly supported I Wish since its foundation – we see it as a terrific way to showcase at scale, the opportunities and role models that exist in STEM, at a crucial time for girls when they are making subject choices that will impact their future careers.

Marie Moynihan Senior Vice President & Global Talent Acquisition Dell Technologies


Our girls felt so empowered after the I Wish Event. It was very important for them to hear from successful women who they could relate to.

Jessica Eccles, Teacher, Adamstown College, Dublin


Thanks so much for such a great insight as to what I can do! I feel so inspired and plan to look into a career in STEM.

TY Student


I learned so much today about women’s roles in STEM and it gave me an insight into what I may be interested in when I leave secondary school.  Love all your work!

TY Student


I Wish holds a very special place in my heart. I was fortunate enough to attend I Wish when I was in transition year. I Wish had a direct impact on my subject/career choices. The speakers demonstrated that women and girls have an inherent ability to affect real change in the world by pursuing STEM careers. My ultimate aspiration is to become what these women were to me. 

Niamh McGrath – Student of Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science in University College Cork, I Wish Alumnae


I am currently doing my Third Year in BSc. Chemistry in University College Cork. I attended Mount Mercy College during my secondary school years. I Wish was a huge factor in my decision to pursue a career in STEM. I had the honour of presenting one of my projects in Transition Year during the event and am thrilled to be a speaker at I Wish 2022.

Sara Ann Biju – Third Year BSc. Chemistry in UCC & I Wish Alumnae